





Vienna, Austria –  Johannes Steininger, a talented Austrian artist, is proud to showcase his latest work that explores the relationship between painting and sculpture. Using advertising foils, as his primary material, Steininger enhances the sculptural aspect of his pieces by directly tracing and embossing shapes and lines onto the vinyl layers, creating individual bass-reliefs that rise from the background surface to create effective surfaces. His solo and group exhibitions throughout cross – countries, including Berlin and London, have garnered attention from art enthusiasts and critics alike.

Innovatively, The painter, sculptor and object artist Steininger use of soft vinyl also enables him to create air-supported works, adding another dimension to his pieces. Inflating the vinyl structures creates a unique sensory experience for the viewer, with the artwork existing in a state of constant movement and change as the air supports the soft vinyl structures. This interplay between air and soft vinyl highlights Steininger’s interest in exploring the relationship between different materials and textures, blurring the lines between painting and sculpture.

Steininger’s innovative use of materials allows him to create hybrid paintings that function as the embodiment of the objects they depict. By focusing on the essential qualities of air, each sculpture is transformed into a representation of pure air. His work challenges traditional ideas of how painting and sculpture interact with one another and aims to create dynamic visual and tactile experiences for the viewer.




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Johannes Steininger, an Austrian artist known for his exploration of visual and spatial relationships between painting and sculpture, has gained international recognition for his innovative use of materials. By employing soft vinyl as his primary material, he enhances the sculptural aspect of his pieces and creates air-supported works that provide a unique sensory experience for viewers. He is represented in prestigious collections worldwide.

Steininger’s work has been featured in solo and group exhibitions throughout Europe, including in Berlin and London. His ability to create hybrid paintings that blur the lines between painting and sculpture has captured the attention of art enthusiasts worldwide.

Through his work, Steininger challenges traditional ideas of how painting and sculpture interact with one another. By focusing on the essential qualities of air and exploring the interplay between different materials and textures, he creates dynamic visual and tactile experiences for the viewer.



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Pressemitteilung: #1

Der österreichische Künstler Johannes Steininger präsentiert seine neuesten Werke, die sich mit der Beziehung zwischen Malerei und Skulptur auseinandersetzen. Steininger nutzt Soft-Vinyl als Hauptmaterial, um den skulpturalen Aspekt seiner Werke zu verstärken. Durch direkte Verfolgung und Prägung von Formen und Linien auf den Vinylschichten kann er das Material manipulieren und einzelne Basreliefs schaffen, die sich von der Hintergrundfläche abheben.

Die Verwendung von Soft-Vinyl ermöglicht es Steininger auch, Luft unterstützte Werke zu schaffen, die eine weitere Dimension in seinen Werken schaffen. Durch das Aufblasen der Folienbilder entsteht eine einzigartige sensorische Erfahrung für den Betrachter, da das Kunstwerk in einem Zustand ständiger Bewegung und Veränderung existiert, wobei die Luft die weichen Vinylstrukturen unterstützt. Diese Kombination aus Luft und Soft-Vinyl zeigt Steiningers Interesse an der Erforschung des Zusammenspiels von verschiedenen Materialien und Texturen, die die Grenzen zwischen Malerei und Skulptur verwischen.

Steiningers innovativer Einsatz von Materialien ermöglicht es ihm, Hybrid-Malereien zu schaffen, die als Verkörperung der dargestellten Objekte funktionieren. Indem er sich auf die essentiellen Eigenschaften der Luft konzentriert, kann er jede Skulptur in eine Darstellung von reiner Luft verwandeln. Durch seine Arbeit fordert Steininger traditionelle Vorstellungen darüber heraus, wie Malerei und Skulptur miteinander interagieren, und strebt danach, dynamische visuelle und taktile Erfahrungen für den Betrachter zu schaffen.

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